Bolivia nationalized the company that runs the three largest airports in
Bolivia because the government claims the company did not invest in
improving the airports.
Servicios de Aeropuertos Bollivianos SA (Sabsa) is a division of Spain's
Abertis Infraestructure SA but Sabsa is also partly owned by Aena
Aeropuertos SA ...
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Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Neil Scott,, at the High Court in Edinburgh that he was "most unfortunately the author of his own misfortune".
Neil Scott, 31, at the High Court in Edinburgh that he was "most unfortunately the author of his own misfortune".At an earlier hearing, Scott, of Kingsfield, Linlithgow, admitted being concerned in the supply of the drug at his home between June and September last year.He had been given cocaine to sell on three or four occasions said defence QC Paul McBride.Scott had run up gambling debts of about £4000 and fell into company where cocaine was used."It was suggested to him by one of the persons to whom he required to repay money that he could clear his debt if he became involved for a brief time in selling cocaine."Scott was now receiving help for his gambling addiction, the court heard. At the High Court in Edinbrugh, Lord Brailsford told Scott the case was "tragic" but the court had to take a serious view.
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