Bolivia nationalized the company that runs the three largest airports in
Bolivia because the government claims the company did not invest in
improving the airports.
Servicios de Aeropuertos Bollivianos SA (Sabsa) is a division of Spain's
Abertis Infraestructure SA but Sabsa is also partly owned by Aena
Aeropuertos SA ...
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Sunday, 13 April 2008
Beheaded Mohammed Qodous ,Idris Abdul-Ghani convicted of smuggling cocaine into the kingdom.
Mohammed Qodous and Idris Abdul-Ghani, were convicted of smuggling the drugs by swallowing sachets of cocaine. The Interior Ministry says the beheadings took place Sunday in the Red Sea coastal city of Jiddah.The Saudi Interior Ministry says authorities have beheaded two Nigerian men convicted of smuggling cocaine into the kingdom.Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islam under which those convicted of murder, drug trafficking, rape or armed robbery are executed in public with a sword.Forty-two people have been beheaded this year, according to an Associated Press count.
Saudi Arabia
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