Bolivia nationalized the company that runs the three largest airports in
Bolivia because the government claims the company did not invest in
improving the airports.
Servicios de Aeropuertos Bollivianos SA (Sabsa) is a division of Spain's
Abertis Infraestructure SA but Sabsa is also partly owned by Aena
Aeropuertos SA ...
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Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Serving Metropolitan Police officer was arrested in May last year on suspicion of corruption and being involved in the supply of illegal substances.
Six men have been charged with drugs offences as part of an anti-corruption investigation.A 44-year-old serving Metropolitan Police officer was arrested in May last year on suspicion of corruption and being involved in the supply of illegal substances. He was released on police bail until next month.Detectives from the Met's Directorate of Professional Standards later arrested six other men in connection with the inquiry and charged them. They have been released on bail until March 3. Two women, aged 52 and 54, who were also arrested as part of the inquiry remain on police bail.
Metropolitan Police officer
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